In accordance with the Regulation No. 120a / 2020 of the Rector of the UEW of August 28, 2020 - classes during the winter semester will be held ONLINE (on the MS TEAMS platform). Classes will be held in „live” module on a platform in direct on-line contact with the lecturer and full-time interactive contact with participants. All you need is a computer with Internet access.
The aim of post-graduate studies Managing Business, conducted in the English language, is to provide students (especially managerial staff) with theoretical-practical knowledge concerning tangible and intangible (connected with human capital) management issues and exchange professional knowledge and experience. Consequently, the programme of the course was established having been consulted with management staff of different corporations in terms of required particular educational profiles of potential corporations' employees so as to enable the students to gain necessary knowledge and practice in the scope of managing organizations. Achieving a very high level of students' competencies will be ensured by professional interactive lectures and workshops in English conducted by both scientists (Polish and foreign ones) and managers (Polish and foreign ones).
The studies will be realised online in general. The studies will be realised online in general. Some integrating classes may be planned traditionally.
The programme offers help in individual development. Each student can be provided with a personal coaching session.
An interview with one of the students of the first edition (page 65):
The studies are addressed to:
• persons intending to begin a managerial career, • persons intending to begin the work in the corporation, • current and future leaders, • managers from different managerial levels of Polish and foreign organizations, • employees from consulting companies, • ex-pats.
2 semestry, 175 godz.
Lp. | Nazwa przedmiotu | Liczba godzin |
1. | Basics of Management | 12 |
2. | Creative Strategy | 8 |
3. | Personal Brand and Public Speaking | 8 |
4. | Knowledge Management | 8 |
5. | Mindfulness in Business | 8 |
6. | HRM | 8 |
7. | Team Building | 8 |
8. | Business Communication | 8 |
9. | Controlling | 8 |
10. | Project Management | 12 |
11. | Logistics | 8 |
12. | Managerial Accounting and Finance | 8 |
13. | Business Process Development | 8 |
14. | Business Strategy | 12 |
15. | Management Methods | 12 |
16. | Strategic Management | 12 |
17. | Business Creativity Module | 8 |
18. | Emotional Intelligence and Dealing with Stress | 8 |
19. | Entrepreneurship | 8 |
20. | Electives (1 amongst:one-two individual coaching sessions or heuristics and cognitive biases – a workshop) | 3 |
21. | Final Exam | 0 |
RAZEM | 175 |
The studies are finished with taking an exam. It consists of 2 parts. The first one is individual work (open questions). The second one is teamwork.
Classes will be conducted as workshops on Saturdays and Sundays (on the average every two weeks, hours 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.) - students will receive a detailed schedule.
Detailed organizational information, taking into account the evolution of the epidemiological situation, will be sent before starting the studies.
The trainers are workers of Polish and foreign universities with rich scientific and training achievements as well as prominent representatives of business-not only Polish ones.
dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Piórkowska, prof. UEW
Katedra Strategii i Metod Zarządzania
tel. 661 431 846
pok. 816, bud. Z
prof. dr hab. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet
Katedra Zaawansowanych Badań w Zarządzaniu
tel. 602 555 925
pok. 813, bud. Z
5990 PLN
There is a possibility to pay in 2 installments.
Please, do not make the payment before receiving e-mail confirmation about launching the course.
Preferowany sposób składania dokumentów: za pośrednictwem poczty tradycyjnej.
Dokumenty aplikacyjne (po wydrukowaniu i podpisaniu) należy przesłać pocztą tradycyjną na adres: Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, ul. Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław
Istnieje możliwość złożenia dokumentów osobiście. Godziny otwarcia biura dostępne są w zakładce „Kontakt”.
Pytania dot. rekrutacji i dokumentów aplikacyjnych, prosimy kierować na adres e-mail:
Wszelkich informacji dot. programu studiów udziela kierownik studiów - prof. Katarzyna Piórkowska, tel. 661 431 846 e-mail:
Preferred way of submitting admission documents: via post office.
The application documents (after printing and signing) should be sent via post office to: Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, ul. Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław
It is possible to submit admission documents in person. Office hours are available in the "Contact" section.
For any information regarding the program of studies, please contact prof Katarzyna Piórkowska: phone 661 431 846, e-mail:
Termin zakończenia rekrutacji: 2022-09-30
Termin uruchomienia studiów: 2022-10-15
Wymagana jest znajomość języka angielskiego w stopniu umożliwiającym komunikację w mowie i piśmie. Wszystkie zajęcia odbywają się w języku angielskim. / Knowledge of English is required at a level which enables oral and written communication. All classes are conducted in English.
Zapisy zamknięte.
Zapisy na studia i szkolenia wymagają posiadania konta. Kliknij poniższy przycisk, by przejść do formularza rejestracji.
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