Evidence Based Management ([EN] edycja 1)


Semestr zimowy 2018/2019, letni 2018/2019

Rekrutacja do
19.10.2018 r.
Termin upłynął
Data uruchomienia
20.10.2018 r.
Studia uruchomione
5 500,00 zł

Cele i charakterystyka studiów

The aim of Evidence Based Management studies conducted in English language is to: a) provide students with the practical and theoretical knowledge of decision making based on facts, information and other data in individual and organizational context; b) get students to know the basic principles of EBM as a form of decision making process; c) understand cognitive errors; d) develop the skills of rational and logical thinking in decision making process; e) give students effective tools for decision making in their work environment.

After graduating the student will receive the certificate of postgraduate studies in Polish issued by Wroclaw University of Economics, together with a certificate in English .

Literature: -Rousseau, D. M. (Ed) (2012). The Oxford Handbook of Evidence-Based Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. -Latham, G. P. (2009). Becoming the evidence-based manager: Making the science of management work for you. Clerkenwell, London: Nicholas Brealey. -Saunders, M.N.K., & Bezzina, F. (2015). Reflections on conceptions of research methodology among management academics. European Management Journal, 33(5), -Rousseau, D. M., & Barends, E. (2011). Becoming an evidence-based HR practitioner. Human Resource Management Journal, 21(3) -Pfeffer, J., & Sutton, R. I. (2006). Evidence-based management. Harvard Business Review, 84(1), -Morrell, K. (2008). The narrative of evidence-based management: A polemic. Journal of Management Studies, 45(3).


Studies are directed to those who: -make decisions in different functional areas of company (HRM, IT,R&D, Production, Marketing, PR) -manage human resources (also culturally different), -perform managing functions on different levels.

Requirements for the candidates:

  1. English language knowledge at min B1 level of Common European Framework of References (CEFR).
  2. Basic knowledge of organizational processes and decision making in different organizations.
  3. Analytical and synthetic thinking skills .
  4. Group work skills.
  5. Openness to experiences, different styles and practices of decision making.

Czas trwania i liczba godzin

2 semestry, 140 godz.

Program studiów

Lp. Nazwa przedmiotu Liczba
1. Integration workshop - team building session 8
2. Cross cultural issues in decision-making process 8
3. Principles of evidence-based management 12
4. Statistical mis/conceptions in decision making processes 8
5. Managerial tools and practices to enhance evidence-based decision processes 8
6. Handling data 16
7. Effective change management 16
8. Stakeholder analysis of their values and concerns 16
9. Reseraching for data to support EBM 16
10. Cognitive biases in decision making 16
11. Critical analysis of decision making research tools 8
12. Presentation and evaluation of case studies 6
13. Final Exam 2

Warunki i sposób zaliczenia studiów

In order to complete the studies student has to obtain a positive assessment of the final examination and individual project, which will be conducted at the end of the second semester within the defined period. An additional condition for completing studies is to attend not less than 80% of classes conducted.

Organizacja studiów

The studies are organized by the Department of Human Resources Management of Faculty of Management, Computer Science and Finance at Wroclaw University of Economics. Classes will be conducted in the form of lectures, presentations, group exercises, project work, case studies, workshops and interactive sessions. Classes will be held at weekends for 2 semesters, total of 140 hours.

Kadra dydaktyczna

Teaching staff

• lecturers of University of Economics with numerous scientific achievements, as well as experience in conducting training and consulting activities for international companies, • representatives of training and consulting companies which are implementing EBM in various institutions, • professors of partner European universities (e.g. University of Malta, Birkbeck London ) and institutions involved in implementing the concept of EBM (Center of EBM Central and Eastern Europe).

Sylwia Przytuła – prof.UE, dr hab.nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie zarządzania. Zainteresowania badawcze i naukowe to międzynarodowa kadra menedżerska oraz różnice kulturowe w zarządzaniu globalnym oraz psychologia zarządzania. Członek SIETAR Polska(Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research). Autorka i współautorka kilkudziesięciu publikacji naukowych w języku polskim i angielskim. Otrzymała liczne wyróżnienia (m.in. I nagrodę w TNOiK im. K. Adamieckiego za współautorstwo książki pt. Zarządzanie kadrą menedżerską w organizacjach międzynarodowych w Polsce, red. T. Listwan, M. Stor) oraz indywidualne nagrody Rektora UE we Wrocławiu za osiągnięcia w pracy naukowo-badawczej. Wykłada w języku polskim i angielskim. Uczestniczka wielu staży zagranicznych (m.in. International College Program, Orlando, USA)oraz licznych wizyt studyjnych dla wykładowców, m.in. w Erasmus University (Holandia), Aalborg University (Dania) oraz University of Cagliari (Sardynia). Wykładowca w ESCIP School of International Business (Francja).

Katarzyna Tracz-Krupa-doktor nauk ekonomicznych w zakresie nauk o zarządzaniu, adiunkt w Katedrze Zarządzania Kadrami Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, autorka przeszło 36 publikacji naukowych, wykłada m.in.: zarządzanie zasobami ludzkimi, dobór kadr, rozwój zasobów ludzkich w j. polskim i angielskim. Zainteresowania naukowo-badawcze dotyczą tematyki szkoleń i rozwoju zawodowego oraz Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego. Uczestniczka wielu staży i wizyt studyjnych na uczelniach zagranicznych, w tym m.in. na Uniwersytecie Loyola w Chicago, w Oxford University, a także uniwersytetów w Hamburgu oraz w Villach. Projektodawca, koordynator i wykładowca wielu projektów szkoleniowych finansowanych z EFS.

Vincent Cassar BA(Hons)., MSc(Wales)., PhD(Lond)., CPsychol(UK)., CSci(UK) is a Chartered Organizational Psychologist with the British Psychological Society and a Chartered Scientist with the British Science Council. Vince is Senior Lecturer in the Dept of Management (University of Malta), an Honorary Teaching Fellow at Birkbeck College (University of London) and Visiting Scholar at the University of Zagreb (Croatia). He has worked in the past with HFI (London), Sirota Inc (US/UK), as a self-employed consultant and as a Talent Management Consultant at P5+ (EMD). His research and teaching interests include the psychological contract, entrepreneurship and occupational health and stress. He was founder and President of the Malta Association of Work and Organizational Psychology between 2011 and 2013, and Chair of Engineering Resources between 2014 and 2015. He is currently a Director of IPS Ltd, member of the Senior Appointments Advisory Committee (Office of the Prime Minister) and a member of Evidence Based Management (The Netherlands).

Paweł Grabowski jest założycielem i partnerem zarządzającym w ReeWise – The Analytics Company. W ReeWise jest odpowiedzialny za sektor instytucji finansowych i obszar Big Data. Przed ReeWise, Paweł pracował przez ponad 10 lat dla dużych międzynarodowych dostawców technologii i usług, gdzie był odpowiedzialny za globalne i wielokulturowe projekty oraz PMO. Absolwent Politechniki Warszawskiej i Szkoły Głównej Handlowej. Entuzjasta przedsiębiorczości, zwolennik ciągłych zmian i nowatorskich modeli biznesowych.

Frank Bezzina - B.Ed.(Hons.)(Melit.),Dip.Ed.Mangt.(JEB),M.Sc.(SHU),Ph.D.(Melit.) Head of Department Management, Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy.Deputy Dean Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy Dr Bezzina's research interests focus on data analysis methodologies applied to business and management research. He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals on aspects related to risk management, environmental management, IT-directed investor relationship management and statistical/ methodological misconceptions. Dr Bezzina's academic experience spans various consultancy assignments in both private and public organisations. Dr Bezzina is a member of the Health Services Management Board of Studies (Faculty of Health Sciences),co-ordinating committee member of the MBA (Executive)and course co-ordinator of the BSc(Hons) in Business and IT. He is a visiting fellow at the Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Zagreb (Croatia), fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (UK), and steering committee member of the Research Methodology Special Interest Group (SIG) of the British Academy of Management (BAM).Research Interests: Statistical misconceptions, Research methodology, Risk Management, Performance Management, Environmental management, Evidence-based management

Susanne Rank-professor at University of Applied Sciences of Mainz at graduate and undergraduate level. Since 1997 she worked as in-house HR consultant at SAP AG within the global Human Resources Development department where she ran a project-team lead implementation of global Employee Survey and Performance Management System. From 2001-2004 she worked as Senior Business Consultant at the Corp. Organizational Development and also as Change Manager at international SAP internal strategic change projects as well as at external customer projects. From 2003-2004 she lived in Mexico-City to lead a Change Management team within a SAP software implementation project at a Mexican oil & gas company. Since 2004, she has been Professor for Business Administration and Human Resources Management at University of Applied Mainz.

Mariusz Chudy-PMP, PMI-RMP, PSM Doświadczony kierownik projektów, programów i portfeli projektów o charakterze międzynarodowym i wielodziedzinowym. Posiada wieloletnie doświadczenie w branży IT. Absolwent Politechniki Warszawskiej (kierunek Telekomunikacja/Informatyka) i Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Zarządzanie). Ekspert w dziedzinie zarządzania projektami zgodnie z metodyką PMBOK (PMI). Od 10 lat związany z projektami ICT w sektorze finansowym i telekomunikacyjnym. Wdrażał projekty IT zarówno po stronie dostawcy, jak i klienta. Posiada szerokie doświadczenie i wiedzę z zakresu zarządzania zmianą, projektami, programami i portfelami projektów, a także funkcjonowania i optymalizacji PMO (Project Management Office). Z sukcesem transformował operacje w największych firmach sektora telekomunikacyjnego i finansowego. Obecnie pełni rolę Dyrektora Departamentu w firmie Orange Polska, gdzie zarządza portfelem ponad 150 projektów ICT. Partner, trener i doradca w zakresie zarządzania projektami i transformacji organizacji projektowych. Zawodowo interesuje się zarządzaniem opartym na faktach (evidence based management) oraz wdrażaniem efektywnej organizacji PMO.

Katarzyna Włoskiewicz – coach (ACC International Coach Federation), asesor, menedżer z wiedzą psychologiczną. Absolwentka polsko – amerykańskiej uczelni (Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu – National –Louis University) oraz Szkoły Wyższej Psychologii Społecznej na kierunku Psychologia. Ukończyła studia podyplomowe Public Relations w Wyższej Szkole Finansów i Zarządzania w Warszawie, Szkołę Trenerów Biznesu „Moderator”, Studium Coachingu ICF Ewy Mukoid. Mentor - coach Pracowni Coachingu Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, oficjalny partner – coach wspierający przedsiębiorców w ramach organizacji Lewiatan Business Angels. Sesje coachingowe prowadzi w języku polskim oraz angielskim (wypracowane ponad 1000 godzin coachingowych). Na stałe współpracuje z firmą HR Projekt www.hrprojekt.pl Kinga Lachowicz-Tabaczek

Monika Chutnik-dyrektor zarządzająca firmy ETTA, wspierającej Klientów w zarządzaniu różnorodnością kulturową i wiekową, a także w rozwijaniu kom-petencji menedżerskich. Wcześniej HR Konsultant w Nokia Siemens Networks oraz Konsultant ds. Szkoleń i Rozwoju Pracowników w regionie Europy (EMEA) w Hewlett-Packard. Honorowy członek SIETAR Polska (Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Re-search). Certyfikowany konsultant w zakresie diagnozy i wsparcia współpracy wirtualnych zespołów - Virtual Performance Assessment®, diagnozy indywidualnej efektywności międzykulturowej - Intercultural Readiness Check, profilu preferowanego stylu zachowania wg Extended DISC® oraz Profilor® (ocena 360). Konsultant Diversity Icebreaker™. Doradca CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) w bazie PARP. Współautorka programu pierwszej w Polsce szkoły trenerów międzykulturowych, InterCultural Trainer Program. Prowadziła szkolenia dla klientów korporacyjnych w czternastu różnych krajach oraz wirtualnie dla grup z całego świata

Kierownictwo i opieka naukowa


dr hab. Sylwia Przytuła, prof. UE
Katedra Zarządzania Kadrami
tel. 71 36 80 671
e-mail: s_przytula@wp.pl
pok. 820, bud. Z


5500 PLN

Payment for the studies is requested only after receiving the information from the chair of the study, that the study will run from October 2018. Please dont pay, before receiving such information.

Kontakt i zapisy

For English speakers please contact Sylwia Przytuła, phone: 609 980 121, e-mail: s_przytula@wp.pl

Recruitment Office: Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego Uniwersytetu Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, ul. Kamienna 43, 53-307 Wrocław, tel. 71 36 80 949, room 4


mgr Alina Sofińska, e-mail: alina.sofinska@ue.wroc.pl


Termin zakończenia rekrutacji: 2018-10-19

Termin uruchomienia studiów: 2018-10-20

Wymagane dokumenty

  • 1) an application for studies
  • 2)an application form (attachment no 1)
  • 3) the declaration of coverage of costs (individual or from an employer - attachment no 2 or no 3.
  • 4)an extract of a diploma + copy
  • 5) the copy of an identity card

Dodatkowe informacje

For foreign candidates from UE and Polish candidates with a not Polish diploma additionally we require:

- original of a diploma (MA or BA)

- certified translation of a diploma

- apostille

- certified translation of an apostille.

Detailed programme description:

P1) Integration workshop - team building session (Wroclaw University of Economics)

P2) Cross cultural issues in decision-making process  (ETTA Consulting; HR Project)

P3) Principles of evidence-based management (University of Malta)

The purpose of P3 is to provide a brief historical overview of the 'history of evidence' and the relevance of evidence in modern business realities. It will elaborate on key challenging questions like what is 'evidence', what are the sources of evidence and what do people do with evidence. It will also go deep into explaining the five step approach of evidence-based decision making. P3 will also delve deeply into the processes of sense-making and slightly touch upon the sources of human error (both cognitive and situational) and their implications on management decisions. P3 is generally intended to provide an alternative view point to participants and to create a need for delving deeper into the criticality of evidence.

Duration: 12 hours

  • Defining Evidence and Evidence-Based Practic
  • Evidence-based practice in other areas
  • The relevance of evidence and strategic management and implementation of Evidence-Based Management (EBM)

  • The sources of evidence
  • Decision-making and sense-making processes in organizations
  • Misconceptions of evidence-based practice
  • The politics of evidence-based decision making.

P4) Statistical mis/conceptions in decision making processes (University of Malta)

Managers use and consult research-driven documents in their everyday duties. Economic trend projections, Market research reports and socio-economic surveys are expected to rely on sound statistical foundations and it is imperative for managers to decipher between sound statistical practices from thwarted ones. P4 is intended to equip students with the necessary knowledge sustained with careful practice and sound rationale to enable 'good' evidence-based decision making and to highlight in practical ways statistical misconceptions that hinder meaningful learning and impede 'good' decision making.

Duration: 8 hours

  • The role of statistics in business decision making
  • The sort of statistical questions that can be asked
  • How statistical questions are investigated (the stages of a statistical investigation)
  • Statistical tools and techniques for summarising, comparing and inter-relating data
  • Evidence of mainstream statistical misconceptions
  • Why misconceptions are dangerous
  • Overcoming misconceptions using interactive Java applets
  • Identifying faulty thinking in research and business reports

P5) Managerial tools and practices to enhance evidence-based decision processes (Center of EBM Central and Eastern Europe; Reewise))


  • Balance Score Card – Pros and cons

  • Self-Service BI

  • Dashboards and visualization

  • Role of Data Scientist, why you should become one

  • KPIs, how should be set and maintained

  • Prognostic score

P6)Handling data (Reewise)

Duration: 16hrs

  • Data structure analysis (Concentration,Asymmetric,Dispersion)

  • Theoretical distributions

  • Visual analysis (Useful graphs )

  • Selected aspects of analytical thinking

  • Correlation analysis

  • Variance analysis

  • Analysis of dynamic

  • Decision trees

  • Prognosis errors

P7) Effective change management (Project Management Institute)

Duration: 16 hrs

  • Turbulent environment in today’s business world, Transition and the individual

  • Burning platform approach, Managing the transition

  • Implementing effective change in organization’s strategy and in technology – technology acceptance dilemma

  • Transforming operations

  • Project management as an effective way to implement changes

  • Key project management concepts (evidence based management view

  • Program and portfolio management as a key success factor for effective project organizations

  • PMO (Project Management Office) as a key partner in delivering organizational change

  • Managing projects in different types of organizations (functional, matrix, project)

  • Agile project management. How evidence based management can support different Agile approaches: Scrum, Kanban, DSDM? Scaling agile to company’s strategic level.
  • Effective projects handover to operations. Post-project review focused on evidence based and benefits realization management

P8)Stakeholder analysis of their values and concerns (University of Malta)

P.8 propagates the argument that evidence exists within a context, in this case organizational and institutional contexts. Decision-making is not a mere straight-forward cognitive process but is also embedded within a socio-emotional environment which is dynamic and interactive. Therefore, the implications of evidence-based management will be discussed within broader issues like the role of stakeholders, organizational values, power effects on the interpretation of evidence, politics in organizations, the phenomenon of knowledge hiding and knowledge hoarding, the effects of multiculturalism in organizations on decision-making and business ethics.

Duration: 16 hours

  • Building an Evidence-Based Management Culture
  • The Evidence-based manager
  • Role of stakeholders in evidence-based decisions
  • Organizational values and decision-making and debating rationality in organizations
  • Power effects on the interpretation of evidence
  • Politics in organizations and the management of research in organizations
  • Knowledge management, knowledge hiding and knowledge hoarding; diffusion processes of knowledge
  • Business ethics and context
  • Moral foundations of work in dealing with evidence
  • Ethical discrepancy: evidence-thwarting

P9) Reseraching for data to support EBM (Reewise)


  • What is the data, data structured/unstructured

  • DIKW model

  • IT landscape of modern enterprise

  • Data warehouse, concept and

  • Techniques to work on the data

  • Role of IT and business and innovative business models

  • How to obtain and maintain data

  • Usage of data for EBM

P10)Cognitive biases in decision making (University of Malta)

P10 provides the necessary understanding with regard to factors which limit and effect decision making in organisations. It aims to bring an awareness on cognitive biases and participants will become familiar with the most common types of cognitive biases which fall under two main groups - informational and ego biases. P10 will delve into how our mind works and the processes involved in decision making. It will delve into challenging questions such as the effect of experience on our memory. P10 should enable participants to arrive at clearer and more effective decision making in organisations.

Duration: 16 hours

  • How our mind works - our decisions are made
  • An understanding of cognitive biases and how they affect decision making in organization
  • The most common types of cognitive biases
  • The effects of social judgement biases in decision-making processes - case studies
  • Evidence based management and cognitive biases
  • Overcoming cognitive biases - a strategic approach.

P11) Critical analysis of decision making research tools (logical thinking) (Wroclaw University of Economics)

P12) Presentation and evaluation of case studies (Wroclaw University of Economics)

P13) Final Exam(Wroclaw University of Economics)



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