Advanced Leadership Research Programme [EN] ([EN] | tryb blended learning | pod patronatem Komitetu Nauk Organizacji i Zarządzania Polskiej Akademii Nauk) (edycja 1)


Semestr zimowy 2024/2025, letni 2024/2025, zimowy 2025/2026, letni 2025/2026

Rekrutacja do
14.10.2024 r.
Jeszcze 5 dni
Data uruchomienia
26.10.2024 r.
Za 17 dni
20 000,00 zł
Barbara Grzeszczak
tel. 71 36 80 377 / e-mail / więcej

Cele i charakterystyka studiów

A unique postgraduate course Advanced Leadership Research Programme was prepared to support candidates in achieving PhD degree in the field of management in an extramural form (external studies).

The studies aim to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to prepare and defend a PhD thesis.
Most of the classes will be conducted online (MS Teams). Three weekends will be held at the campus of Wroclaw University of Economics and Finance (including the first and last one).

The first classes (at the campus) are planned on the 26-27th October 2024.

Quality guaranteed - studies under the auspices of the Organisation and Management Scientific Committee, The Polish Academy of Sciences PAN (Komitet Nauk o Organizacji i Zarządzania Polskiej Akademii Nauk, PAN).


  • experienced staff
  • guarantee of competencies at the 8th level (PhD education)
  • individual scientific supervision


The postgraduate course Advanced Leadership Research Programme is addressed to candidates who tend to develop managerial careers based on scientific experience and research to manage organisations and people more effectively and develop individual positions in a scientific environment.

Specifically, studies are addressed to:

  • non-Polish-speaking candidates
  • current or future managers, leaders, directors, CEOs, etc., with MA degree
  • candidates who tend to develop themselves independently, conduct research in the management field, and build an expert position in their professional environment
  • preferred candidates: graduates of Executive Master of Business Administration or Master of Business Administration

A Student will:

  • acknowledge new scientific trends, modern and fascinating research problems, and challenges in the management field
  • recognise how to conduct research
  • learn academic writing
  • learn how to prepare a PhD thesis

The course will also help prepare for obligatory PhD before PhD thesis defence.

Moreover, each Student will be supervised individually by a selected professor, what is immense support in effectively preparing a thesis and papers.

Czas trwania i liczba godzin

4 semestry, 164 godz.

Program studiów

Lp. Nazwa przedmiotu Liczba
1. Research Methodology in Management 8
2. PhD - Formal Procedure and Requirements 8
3. Quantitative Research 16
4. Qualitative Research 16
5. Systematic Research Review 16
6. The Art of Writing Research Papers 8
7. Copyright and Ethics 8
8. How to Finance Research 8
9. Necessery Condition Analysis 8
10. AI Tools in Research 8
11. Electronic Sources of Scientific Information 8
12. Publication Process 8
13. Research Problems in Management and Quality Studies 16
14. Seminar 16
15. Research Workshop 12

Warunki i sposób zaliczenia studiów

[EN] Conditions and method of completion

The conditions for obtaining a graduation certificate are:

  • attendance (min 80%)
  • obtaining credits for all classes (course completion terms are specified by the lecturers)
  • obtaining a positive evaluation of the the final project / paper (individual)
  • payment of all applicable tuition fees

The final form of completion is decided by the head of postgraduate studies.

Organizacja studiów

[EN] Organization and mode of studies

  • classes are conducted in blended learning formula - partly remotely, partly at the University; the participant receives information before the session in which form the classes will be held
  • postgraduate studies in weekend part-time mode
  • number of study blocks: 10
  • classes are held approximately once a month
  • course language: English

As part of this course, we offer:

  • individual account on the Microsoft 365 platform (including Office, Teams, Forms, OneDrive)
  • learning materials
  • access to the resources of the Wroclaw University of Economics library
  • possibility to consult with teachers
  • individual academic supervision

Before the start of course, the head of postgraduate studies will send out detailed organizational information and the dates of study modules. The certificate of completion of postgraduate studies is issued in Polish, together with a copy in English.

Kadra dydaktyczna

[EN] Teaching staff

Most of the lecturers are members of the Organisation and Management Scientific Committee, The Polish Academy of Sciences PAN.

Hence, the classes will be conducted by selected distinguished professors from the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business and visiting professors specialised in management research, especially research methodology and experienced in supervising PhD students.

Recruitment interview – obligatory (online).

Required documents: at least an MA diploma.

Kierownictwo i opieka naukowa


dr hab. inż. Katarzyna Piórkowska, prof. UEW
Katedra Strategii i Metod Zarządzania
tel. 661 431 846
pok. 816, bud. Z

Opiekun naukowy

prof. dr hab. Ewa Stańczyk-Hugiet
Katedra Zaawansowanych Badań w Zarządzaniu
tel. 602 555 925
pok. 813, bud. Z


20000 PLN

[EN] Price

The valid price listed above.

I/II semester – 6,000.00 PLN
III/IV semester – 4,000.00 PLN

Application fee: 300 PLN
The account number for payments will be visible after logging into your individual student profile. Please include "Application Fee" in the payment reference.

The payment can be divided into installments:
2 - for individuals, persons conducting business activities, companies and institutions
4 - for individuals only
6 - for individuals only

In order to do this, please email the number of installments selected to the study coordinator.

Important! The tuition fee should be paid only after receiving the information from the head of postgraduate studies that the sufficient group has gathered and that the program has been launched. The account number for payments can be accessed after logging into the individual student profile. As a payment transfer title, please state your name, surname and name of the program.

VAT invoices are issued on request and sent by e-mail in accordance with the rules published on this website:,faktury.html

Kontakt i zapisy

[EN] Contact

Koordynator CKU / CKU coordinator
Barbara Grzeszczak
tel/phone: 71 36 80 377 e-mail:

[EN] Registration

Admission process starts with filling in the form available at the bottom of the page — ZAPISZ SIĘ NA STUDIA (APPLY FOR STUDIES).
In order to generate the necessary documents, the candidate should set up an individual account in the system.
A detailed list of recruitment documents can be found in the Wymagane dokumenty (Required documents) section.

A set of recruitment documents can be submitted at the office (room nr 3) or delivered to the post box located at the stairs on the ground floor of the CKU building:

Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego
ul. Kamienna 43-45
53-307 Wrocław

Detailed information on the opening hours can be found in the Contact.

Documents can also be sent by post to the following address:

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Komandorska 118/120
53-345 Wroclaw
with the annotation RECRUITMENT Postgraduate Studies and the name of the selected program

A set of printed documents should be delivered to the CKU office on the last day of recruitment at the latest.
Should you have any questions regarding the course content, please contact the head of studies.


Termin zakończenia rekrutacji: 2024-10-14

Termin uruchomienia studiów: 2024-10-26

Wymagane dokumenty

  • podanie o przyjęcie na studia — wygenerowane z systemu
  • formularz zgłoszeniowy (załącznik 1) — wygenerowany z systemu
  • oświadczenie o pokryciu kosztów (w zależności od wybranego finansowania załącznik 2 lub 3) — wygenerowane z systemu
  • dyplom ukończenia studiów wyższych — kserokopia dyplomu ukończenia studiów wyższych (licencjat, inżynier, magister, mgr inż.) oraz oryginał lub odpis dyplomu do wglądu. W przypadku wysyłki dokumentów pocztą prosimy o załączenie odpisu lub oryginału dyplomu do dokumentów (zwrot oryginału ze świadectwem ukończenia studiów podyplomowych)
  • dyplom zagraniczny — prosimy o wcześniejsze zweryfikowanie, czy dyplom uprawnia do podjęcia studiów podyplomowych w Polsce. Szczegóły pod linkiem: Prosimy o załączenie potwierdzenia do dokumentów rekrutacyjnych. Kandydaci z zagranicznym dyplomem, uprawniającym do podjęcia studiów podyplomowych w Polsce, w momencie składania dokumentów zobowiązani są również do złożenia przysięgłego tłumaczenia dyplomu na język polski
  • dowód osobisty — do wglądu (w przypadku wysyłania dokumentów pocztą lub dostarczenie ich przez osoby trzecie powinien zostać okazany w trakcie studiów). Nie przyjmujemy kserokopii dowodów osobistych
  • dokumenty potwierdzające zmianę danych osobowych — w przypadku osób, których dane osobowe uległy zmianie (inne imię lub nazwisko w dowodzie osobistym/wizie/karcie pobytu i na dyplomie) - kserokopia dokumentu potwierdzającego zmianę i oryginał do wglądu (np. akt małżeństwa, decyzja administracyjna czy orzeczenie sądu)
  • zezwolenie na pobyt dla osób spoza UE — dokument potwierdzający legalny pobyt w Polsce np. wiza lub karta pobytu (w przypadku wysyłania dokumentów pocztą lub dostarczenie ich przez osoby trzecie oryginały dokumentów powinny zostać okazane w trakcie studiów).

Dodatkowe informacje

Studies under the auspices of the Organisation and Management Scientific Committee, The Polish Academy of Sciences PAN.


Poznaj naszą kadrę:



Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
Centrum Kształcenia Ustawicznego
ul. Kamienna 43-45 
53-307 Wrocław

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